3 Key Lessons for Websites that Work
Almost every web design story has three main actors. Each of them occupies a particular place in the story, and each has different motivations and expectations. These characters are the client, the designer, and the user. There is a particular hierarchy that is supposed to exist between the three; but due to the nature of the process, this hierarchy frequently gets mixed up. The result is a plethora of poorly designed websites that are cluttered with unnecessary extras, which exist because of a power struggle between the client and the designer. What we need, in order to avert this disaster, is something I like to call "Design Frugality". It sounds fancy, but it's actually very simple. Just the way websites ought to be... 1) Being important isn't important! In the hierarchy I mentioned earlier, the user always believes themselves to be the most important actor in the cast because it is ultimately their money that the client is trying to earn. The...